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Fill a child’s childhood with joy

Accompanying children: Accompanying is one of the most important factors in a child’s growth process. Playing, reading, exploring nature, and other activities with children can help them feel the love and support of their parents and enhance their parent-child relationship.

Creating a happy atmosphere: Creating a happy and warm atmosphere at home can make children feel safe and comfortable. For example, you can play cheerful music, stick interesting wallpapers, and display cute toys.

Providing diverse experiences: exposing children to different things and experiences can stimulate their curiosity and creativity. For example, you can take your children to visit museums, zoos, parks, and other places, and you can also let them try different handicrafts or sports.

Encourage children to express themselves: Encouraging children to express their thoughts and feelings can enhance their confidence and self-esteem. For example, children can be encouraged to draw, write, tell stories, etc.

Give appropriate rewards: Appropriate rewards can motivate children to actively participate in activities and learn. For example, small gifts, praise, or encouragement can be given.

